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Software Testing | Blackbox Testing - All Techniques & Examples

Jun 8, 2023

Black Box testing illustration

Types of Blackbox Testing and Their Advantages

Testing is an integral part of software development, and blackbox testing is one of the most popular techniques used to ensure that a software application functions properly. The goal of blackbox testing is to identify any bugs, errors, or other issues related to the software's functionality and performance. In this article, we'll discuss what blackbox testing is, how it differs from whitebox testing, and the various techniques and advantages associated with blackbox testing.

What is Blackbox Testing in Simple Words?

Blackbox testing is a type of software testing that focuses on the functionality of the system and ignores the internal structure of the code. It is a type of testing that evaluates the behavior of the system from the outside. The name "blackbox" comes from the fact that the code is a black box, and testers are only able to observe the inputs and outputs of the system. Blackbox testing is also known as functional, behavioral, or closed-box testing.

Whitebox Testing

Whitebox testing is the opposite of blackbox testing. With whitebox testing, the tester has full access to the source code and can analyze the internal structure of the system. The goal of whitebox testing is to identify any potential issues that could arise from the system's design, such as incorrect use of data structures or improper coding practices.

Difference Between Black and Whitebox Testing

The main difference between blackbox and whitebox testing is that blackbox testing focuses on the system's functionality, while whitebox testing focuses on its internal structure. Blackbox testing is used to test the system from the outside, while whitebox testing is used to test the system from the inside.

Non Functional Testing

Non-functional testing is a type of blackbox testing that focuses on the non-functional aspects of a system, such as performance, usability, and security. Non-functional testing is used to ensure that the system meets the requirements of its users and that it performs as expected under different conditions.

Smoke Testing

Smoke testing is a type of blackbox testing that is used to quickly identify any major issues in the system. The goal of smoke testing is to ensure that the most important features of the system are functioning correctly. Smoke testing is typically done prior to any other type of testing.

A practical example of a smoke test is when a software development team creates a “test suite”, which is a set of tests that are designed to run on a newly developed application. The purpose of the smoke test is to quickly identify any major issues with the application. For example, if the application has a user interface, a smoke test would check that all the basic user interface elements are functioning correctly, such as buttons, menus, and text fields. If any of these elements are found to be broken, the smoke test will determine that the application is not ready to be released and the development team will need to fix the issue prior to releasing the application.

Glass Box Testing

Glass box testing is a type of blackbox testing that combines both whitebox and blackbox testing techniques. With glass box testing, the tester has access to the source code but still focuses on the system's functionality. It is used to identify any issues that may arise from the system's design, as well as any potential bugs or errors.

A real life example of glass box testing would be Google's Chrome browser. Chrome uses a combination of white box and black box testing to ensure the highest levels of security and reliability. By testing the code, they can identify and fix any potential vulnerabilities. Additionally, Chrome also uses glass box testing to ensure that the user experience is as secure and pleasant as possible. This includes everything from ensuring that web pages load quickly, to ensuring that the user's data is kept safe and secure.

Types of Blackbox Testing

All-Pairs Testing

All-pairs testing is a type of blackbox testing that focuses on testing the system with all possible combinations of inputs. The goal of all-pairs testing is to ensure that the system behaves as expected with all possible combinations of inputs.

 For example, let’s say there is an online payment system with two fields:

payment type (e.g. credit card, PayPal) and

payment amount (e.g. $10, $20, $50).

The all-pairs testing method for this system would involve testing all combinations of payment type and payment amount.

That is, the following six combinations would be tested:

credit card + $10,

credit card + $20,

credit card + $50,

PayPal + $10,

PayPal + $20,

PayPal + $50. 

The result of each combination should be verified to make sure that the payment system is working correctly.

What is a Real Life Example of White Box Testing?

One example of white box testing is unit testing. Unit testing is a type of whitebox testing that focuses on testing individual units of code. The goal of unit testing is to ensure that each unit of code functions as expected.

Where Will You Use White Box Testing?

White box testing is typically used in the early stages of software development, such as during unit testing or when developing the system's architecture. It is also commonly used during code reviews and when debugging the system.

Glass Box & White Box Testing?

Glass box testing is a combination of whitebox and blackbox testing. It is used to identify any issues that may arise from the system's design, as well as any potential bugs or errors. Glass box testing can be used to quickly identify any major issues in the system and ensure that the most important features of the system are functioning correctly.


Blackbox testing can be challenging due to the lack of access to the source code. Without access to the code, it can be difficult to identify any potential issues that could arise from the system's design. Additionally, it can be difficult to identify any bugs or errors without access to the source code.

Is Smoke Testing Black Box or White Box?

Smoke testing is a type of blackbox testing. The goal of smoke testing is to quickly identify any major issues in the system by testing the most important features.

What is Boundary Value Analysis with Example?

Boundary value analysis is a type of blackbox testing that focuses on testing the boundaries of the system's input and output.

For example, if the system accepts a range of numbers between 0 and 10, boundary value analysis would test the system with 0, 1, 10, and any other values near the boundaries of the range. The goal of boundary value analysis is to ensure that the system behaves as expected when the input or output is at the boundary of its defined range.

What is Equivalence Partitioning in Automation Testing?

Equivalence partitioning is a type of blackbox testing that focuses on testing the system with a limited set of inputs. The goal of equivalence partitioning is to test the system with a representative set of inputs that will provide the same result. For example, if the system accepts a range of numbers between 0 and 10, equivalence partitioning would test the system with 0, 1, 5, and 10.

Equivalence Class Testing

Equivalence class testing is a type of black box testing that focuses on testing a normal and extreme input value in order to determine system behavior. This type of testing is based on the idea that the behavior of a system is the same for all input values that fall within the same class. For example, if a system accepts a range of numbers between 1 and 10, an equivalence class test would include testing a value of 1, a value of 5, and a value of 10. This helps to identify any bugs or unexpected behaviors by testing the boundaries of the accepted values. Additionally, it can help to reduce the number of test cases needed, as only a few values need to be tested instead of all possible values within the range.

What is an Example of Pair Testing?

Pair testing is a type of blackbox testing that focuses on testing the system with two different inputs. The goal of pair testing is to identify any issues that arise when two different inputs are used together. For example, if the system accepts two numbers, pair testing would test the system with different combinations of numbers, such as 0 and 1, 1 and 2, and 2 and 3.

Black Box Testing and Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

Blackbox testing is typically used in the later stages of software development, such as during system and acceptance testing. It is also commonly used during performance testing and when debugging the system.

State Transition Testing

State transition testing is a type of blackbox testing that focuses on testing the system's behavior when transitioning between different states. The goal of state transition testing is to ensure that the system behaves as expected when transitioning from one state to another.

Error Guessing

Error guessing is a type of blackbox testing that focuses on testing the system for potential bugs or errors. The goal of error guessing is to identify any potential issues that could arise from the system's design.

Decision Table Testing

Decision table testing is a type of blackbox testing that focuses on testing the system with different combinations of inputs. The goal of decision table testing is to ensure that the system behaves as expected when different combinations of inputs are used.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Blackbox testing has several advantages. It is easy to perform and does not require access to the source code. Additionally, it can be used to quickly identify any major issues in the system. However, blackbox testing has some disadvantages as well. Without access to the source code, it can be difficult to identify any potential issues that could arise from the system's design.

Fuzz Testing

Fuzz testing is a type of blackbox testing that focuses on testing the system with invalid or unexpected inputs. The goal of fuzz testing is to identify any potential issues that arise when the system is exposed to invalid or unexpected inputs.

Pen Testing

Pen testing, or penetration testing, is a type of blackbox testing that focuses on testing the system's security. The goal of pen testing is to identify any potential security vulnerabilities in the system.

Cause effect Graphing

Cause effect graphing is a type of black box testing that involves the use of a diagrammatic representation of the relationships between the cause and effect of an application’s input and output. This type of testing is designed to identify the cause of a potential software malfunction or failure, and can be used to determine how a given situation may be rectified. The cause effect graph is typically created from the expected inputs and outputs for an application, and then tested against the actual inputs and outputs for the application to identify any discrepancies. This type of testing is often used to identify the root cause of a bug or defect, and can be used in combination with other types of black box testing to provide more detailed results.

Black Box Security Testing with Check Point

Blackbox security testing with Check Point is a type of blackbox testing that focuses on testing the system's security. The goal of this type of testing is to identify any potential security vulnerabilities in the system and ensure that the security measures are functioning correctly. In conclusion, blackbox testing is a type of software testing that focuses on the functionality of the system and ignores the internal structure of the code. It is used to identify any potential bugs or errors in the system, as well as any potential security vulnerabilities. There are several types of blackbox testing, including smoke testing, glass box testing, all-pairs testing, and boundary value analysis. Each type of testing has its own advantages and disadvantages, and it is important to understand the different techniques in order to properly test the system.

Graph-Based Testing Methods

Graph-Based Testing Methods are a set of black-box test methods that rely on graph-based models for the design and implementation of tests. These methods use a graph-based representation of the system under test in order to generate test cases and test data. The graph-based model is used to define the structure of the system and the relationships between its components. These methods are useful in situations where the system is non-deterministic or has complex relationships between its components that may not be easily identified. Graph-Based Testing Methods can also be used to identify test cases that are not easily visible from the system’s design. Examples of Graph-Based Testing Methods include Fault Tree Analysis, Petri Nets, and State Machines.

Blackbox testing tools

Blackbox testing is often done using automated tools, such as Selenium, Robotium, Appium, and Watir. These tools can be used to simulate user interaction and provide feedback on the performance and usability of the application under test. Additionally, there are a variety of commercial and open-source static code analysis tools on the market which can be utilized to automate blackbox testing. Examples include HP Fortify, Checkmarx, and Veracode. Additionally, there are numerous penetration testing tools available, such as Burp Suite, Metasploit, and Kali Linux, which can be used to identify and exploit weaknesses in an application’s security. Finally, fuzz testing tools, such as Peach Fuzzer and Sulley, can be used to identify and exploit vulnerabilities in an application’s input and output validation.

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